Attention Coaches, Consultants, & Experts: Scale Your Business To 7-Figures In 2025

"New Book Reveals A Counterintuitive Approach To Attract Better Leads, Close Sales Easily & Scale Your Business To 7-Figures In 2025"

...Without Making Daily Content, Sending Cold DM's Or Losing Money On Paid Ads!

What is the The Authority Book Method?

The Authority Book Method is a little-known approach for scaling your coaching business in 2025 without all of the painful stuff that comes with it.

Very few people know about this method—yet—but it's without a doubt the most effective system for getting a flood of qualified leads and a calendar booked full of sales calls.

And the best part about this new method?

It finally makes it possible for you to build a 7-figure coaching business WITHOUT having to:

Send sleazy cold DM's that make you hate yourself and your business...

Waste time making content every day that only gets likes from the same 12 people...

Set money on fire in the pit of paid ads with no idea if it will work...

Take calls with unqualified prospects who want to "think about it" or shop around your competitors...

Here's exactly how you'll use this method(I lay it ALL out in the book):

First, you plan and write a great bookin 30 days or less that positions you as a leader and authority in the marketplace

Then, you install the Authority Book Funnel to sell your book to ideal prospects, while recouping your ad-spending immediately (so you can scale fast without losing money)

Finally, you use the Customer To Client Model to fill your calendar with sales calls on autopilot every week.

Then, you just sit back and easily close calls with clients who are totally bought in to your process and ready to get started.

As a result, this allows you to focus on what you love — Coaching your clients, time off with your family, and the freedom that comes with a successful online business, instead of staying up at night stressing about you will get leads next week.

This is the beauty of The Authority Book Method.

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The Authority Book Method is a shortcut

Before I created The Authority Book Method, my business was failing and I was on the verge of giving up.

I'd struggled for years.

Working 7-days per week, all hours of the day chasing after potential clients, just trying to book calls...

Sending DM's...

Creating free lead magnets...

Trying to go viral...

None of it worked. At least not consistently

I got myself a deal I never signed up for.

Which led to me questioning everything and eventually turning the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and finally freeing myself from the chains of these dated 'hustle' focused methods.

After years of trial-and-error, testing and figuring everything out the hard way, I eventually reached the point where I was able to consistently book calls with qualified prospects, who bought into my process and were easy to close into my high-ticket program.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate The Authority Book Method and install it directly into your own business to get better leads, book calls on autopilot, and easily close sales.

Here's how it works:

Here's What This Means For You:

After getting The Authority Method, you’ll finally be able to stop doing everything that you’re probably doing now (that you don’t like) to get new clients…]

No More:

Sleazy cold DM's

Having to post content every single day

Freebie seeker leads

Hustling to try and book calls

High no-show rate

Prospects wanting to "think about it"

Instead you'll finally be able to:

Have new buyers come into your audience every day on autopilot

Scale paid ads to have hundreds of leads while recouping the money immediately

Book more sales calls with prospects already bought into what you do

Easily close sales because you're positioned as a leader and authority

Attract clients you LOVE to serve

Enjoy your business and be rewarded with freedom and wealth


The Authority Book Method

Discover how to write a great book in under 30 days, attract better leads, close sales easily, and scale your business with The Authority Book Method.

5 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

The Authority Book Fast Start Checklist

Waste no time! Write & publish your book in under 30 days and start scaling your business right away.

Follow the simple steps in the Fast Start Checklist and scale your business now.

"Write A Great Book" Masterclass

Only a GREAT book positions you as an authority & market leader. ChatGPT written slop will scare clients away, not attract them to work with you.

I lay out exactly how to write a GREAT book, even if you're not a good writer.

7-Figure Marketing Ecosystem Training

Discover how to use the Customers To Clients Model to build a scalable marketing ecosystem that can take you to $100,000 per month or more.

IG Ads Masterclass

Learn how to run simple ads on Instagram to sell your Authority Book on autopilot, every single day.

Private Community & Personal Support

Get support, inspiration, and coaching in our free private community.

Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and find out what is working in the market now.

Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $4.95 Today

Included With Your Order

The Authority Book Method

Discover how to write a great book in under 30 days, attract better leads, close sales easily, and scale your business with The Authority Book Method.

Included With Your Order

The Authority Book Fast Start Checklist

Waste no time! Write & publish your book in under 30 days and start scaling your business right away.

Follow the simple steps in the Fast Start Checklist and scale your business now.

Included With Your Order

"Write A Great Book" Masterclass

Only a GREAT book positions you as an authority & market leader. ChatGPT written slop will scare clients away, not attract them to work with you.

I lay out exactly how to write a GREAT book, even if you're not a good writer.

Included With Your Order

7-Figure Marketing Ecosystem Training

Discover how to use the Customers To Clients Model to build a scalable marketing ecosystem that can take you to $100,000 per month or more.

Included With Your Order

IG Ads Masterclass

Learn how to run simple ads on Instagram to sell your Authority Book on autopilot, every single day.

Included With Your Order

Private Community & Personal Support

Get support, inspiration, and coaching in our free private community.

Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs and find out what is working in the market now.

Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Here's How I Went From The Income Rollercoaster To Consistently Signing High-Ticket Clients every single week By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The entire coaching business Model Upside Down 

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Authority Book Method

Dear Future Authority Book Method Owner

From: The laptop of Phil Hawksworth

Re: Your Authority Book Business (and why this is your only way out)

Would it surprise you to learn, that I scaled my coaching business to 7-figures a year using the information revealed in this 86 page book?
You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of 15 years experience as an entrepreneur and coach.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.
If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.
 With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Authority Book Method that coaches, consultants, and experts from all over the world are now using to get hundreds of leads flowing into their audience every month, calls booked into their calendar on autopilot, and 'shoe-in' sales calls with prospects already fully bought into their process…

...And in turn converting these new leads into high-ticket clients faster than ever before...
...All while not having to post on social media every day, or send out sleazy cold DM's so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT...
...And best of all spent their time doing what they love... helping people.

I used my Authority Book to sign over 325 high-ticket coaching clients and scale to $1.3Million per year...

...And soon build a team that allowed me to take a step back and enjoy true freedom from my business...

And you can BET...

This Authority Book Method is unlike any method you heard of before…
…This is something completely different, because…

  •  We don’t focus on getting leads with free gifts or lead magents

  • ​ We don’t focus on adding random strangers on social media

  • ​ We don’t focus on sending sleazy DM's begging for sales calls

  • ​ We don’t focus on creating content every single day to please the algorithm

  • ​ We don’t focus on trying to go viral

In fact: we rarely (if ever) do any social media or messenger marketing

Instead We Write a great book in under 30 days and use the customers to clients model to turn them into high-ticket clients ...

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.
The Authority Book Method allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to getting leads and sales…

  • ​No sleazy DM's

  • No adding strangers

  • ​​No burden to post daily content

  • ​​No 'freebie-seekers' from lead magnets

  • ​​No uncertainty of spending $$$ on ads that don't work

The Authority Book method Freed Me From All That and It Allowed Me To live a life of freedom

Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve ever ran a coaching business, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Slippery Slope Of Doom”:

  Step 1 - Add 100 strangers on social media

  Step 2 - Send sleazy copy/paste DM's that mostly get ignored

  Step 3 - Post content every day with hardly any interaction

  Step 4 - Try Facebook groups, Ads, Webinars, Podcasts, etc. etc.

  Step 5 - Hustle a couple of people a week into sales calls (who don't really want to be there)

  Step 6 - Have to sell yourself to them, rather than them seeking your expertise

  Step 7 - They "want to think about it" and then ghost you

  Step 8 - Start over

The Slippery Slope Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for years - forcing me to only just be covering the monthly bills while working my ass off.
To be honest…
...I almost gave up on this whole idea of having a thriving coaching business that gave me freedom
... But before I gave up..
I wanted to try something.
Something that - if it worked.
It would change everything.
And as you're about to find out, what I tried...
... It worked...
And I spent years turning it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System In A 86 Page book Called “The Authority Book Method” And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.
I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.
My name’s Phil Hawksworth…
You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.
My life’s pretty good…I have a beautiful family, loads of free time to spend at the gym or pondering over books in the coffee shop... and have built a thriving 7-figure coaching business

Here a recent snap to get to know me a little...

As of writing this, I’m currently living in sunny Thailand.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was In June 2013...

I was 24 and living in London
I had no time freedom.
I had no location freedom.
I had no real money...
... and the first external partner in the franchised business I was building had just completely flopped.
This meant I couldn’t up sticks and travel the world, while building my business... as I'd been working towards for as long as I can remember.
There’s a stupid myth out there..that you have to hustle and work long hours to build something big
… Well sometimes it doesn’t work...
And if you want freedom it is almost never the answer...
I know, because I tried.
I gave it everything I had.
I gave it my BEST shot.
And it didn’t work.
Because I played by the rules and I did everything right...

I ended up with a business that kept me chained down and felt like a j-o-b And I Hated It…

I hated it because I felt stuck. Trapped. And nothing frustrated me more than the sense that I wasn't moving forwards.
I had goals, dreams and aspirations...I wanted more out of life...
...and building this traditional offline business wasn't going to work. 
So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.
I started looking for a way out.
I looked everywhere and a a few months later I found it.
I stumbled upon a business accelerator course where a guy called Daniel Priestley was talking about how they were "A Key Person Of Influence" who could charge what they pleased, had clients seeking them out, and were never short of business.
This was a cool concept to me, and as I researched more and more I found that most of them were just like me.
They also got into business to have more control and freedom in their life.
The only difference was they'd learnt how to position themselves as a trusted authority in the marketplace.

Publishing a book Is The Most Legitimate And Easy-to-do If You Want To become a market leader and authority

Just think about it: 

Where does the word authority come from? The root of the word is 'Author'. Being an author is literally the definition of marketplace authority.

Wouldn't that positioning help you get more leads interested? Of course... do you think Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson, or any other market leader and prolific author has lead gen problems?

Does spending hours reading your book get someone bought into your process and make you stand out from all of your competitors? Of course it does. Sales calls hit different when someone has read your book and knows exactly what you do.

Would an abundance of leads, superior positioning, highly bought-in clients help you feel comfortable to charge your worth? I think it probably would.

Have the gatekeepers to becoming a published author all but vanished because of the internet? They have. You can self-publish a book in just a couple of days.

The Authority Book Method was the perfect thing for me...

And the best part that attracted me to doing it this way?

You Don’t Even Have To show up making content every day

Which means you can chill out, focus on serving your clients and doing what you love in your business...
All you have to do is publish your Authority Book.

And that was the birth of
my Authority Book Journey

After doing a bit of research - I started planning out my first book.
I had no idea how to structure it, or get it to flow.
All I knew how to do was put one foot in front of the other and work at it.

And even though I had some guidance from the business accelerator course
I still had to sit down and right the book myself

Looking back, those first 6 months were brutal.
Late nights.
Hard work.
Eventually the book was finished and we did everything they said to launch it. We made it an Amazon best-seller. Had a big launch party. Got it featured in the media. But all that work and still my business wasn't growing.
That was my life and I was ready to quit.
But thankfully, I didn't...

That was 12 years ago, And fast forward to today and it almost seems like a bad dream

I proved the idea of “following the traditional life path” to be all wrong…

Instead of staying in my hometown and following in my Dad's footsteps to become a steelworker...
I'm a globe-trotting serial-entrepreneur, living a life of fun and freedom.

Not the normal path for a guy from a working-class shithole town...

Chatting with friends and writing this copy you’re reading.
I have my beautiful young family and we are building our dream life together.
Unlike many suffering coaches and experts who are still stuck on the income rollercoaster and can never seem to get ahead.
You see they spend all their time posting on social media, commenting, and editing reels.
I did this for years, and it not only drove me crazy…
It drove me to the point where I was completely stuck in what felt like a dead-end business.
Instead of me travelling the world I was working to pay the bills every month in the rainy, miserable UK.

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Authority Book Method And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

From not knowing where your next client will come from... to them booking into your calendar on autopilot... credit card in hand ready to join your programme.

Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to scale a coaching business, here’s what it looks like now..

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

Which Naturally Leads To...

I get to run a thriving coaching business, helping lots of people without the stress and suffering...
And the best part is that I get to sleep in and spend the mornings with my son, instead of hustling out the door to work

Me thinking about conquering the world at my desk

The really cool thing is that…
If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with total lifestyle freedom...
But it’s much more than that..

It’s Actually a permanent solution to scaling your coaching business...

How many marketing models have you seen come and go through the years?

  People tell you to do webinars..

  Or Facebook groups...

  Or TiKTok...

Authority Books have been going for thousands of years straight now.
Now, speaking of the model...
I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.
Here it goes:
I am actually sabotaging my own business

by showing you this.
And the other gurus out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach (except it doesn't work).

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is trying to scale organic marketing first

Here’s why:

There are two types of coaches and experts out there.
There are the "hustle and suffer type"  and there are "lifestyle type".
For my first 5 years - I was the hustle and suffer type.
Hustle and suffer types are always out there trying to add friends, send DM's, and create content.
Their strategy is to try to go viral.
And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on..

  •  Copy and pasting the same intro message over and over again

  •  Following up people who ignore them

  •  Planning out content every single day

  •  Editing pretty photos and reels

All of this requires time and energy.
The problem isn't the model itself it's that it is so linear. The only way to grow it is by doing more...

Which costs you more time and energy.
And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Authority Book Method.

The solution?

Build one high-quality asset that positions you as an expert in the market (your authority book)... sell it via ads to recoup ad spend... and transition book customers to high-ticket clients

That's right...
I said it, we are going to build a thriving coaching business off just ONE asset you only have to build one time...
...Because I rather get an abundance of easy to close sales calls booked on autopilot instead of a bunch of no-shows and "think about it's" I had to hustle all week to get...
No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.
So here's the deal...
...I explain everything in The Authority Book Method, it's a [INSERT NUMBER OF PAGES] book that shows you everything you need to know.

So here's the Million dollar idea behind the Authority Book Method

Right now, as you're reading this very page...
There's a lot of activity happening in the world of online coaching/consulting.
Ad costs are rising, organic content is being taken over by AI, and the marketplace are more sales-resistant than ever.
This has created a make or break situation. Businesses are either reaching a critical mass of scale and hoovering up all the clients... or they're failing completely.
Now, most of these business owners are looking for a new solution...
And as you may have guessed it - we have it.
And what's really cool is that this strategy cannot be copied by your competitors.

Publish a book is HARD and that creates a natural moat. The high barrier to entry ensures it doesn't become saturated.

That's Right - given a choice they rather make another throwaway reel and pray to go viral than publish a high- quality authority asset... it 'feels' easier...

And that's where the The Authority Book Method comes in...
It does this beautifully in 4 easy steps...

And that’s the difference here. 
When you build this core marketing asset into your business using this model the results are amplified and sustainable.
Rather than you having to show up and do it all over again, every single day.
I’m not saying organic marketing is bad.
What I’m saying if your goal is to achieve time and financial freedom, organic marketing might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!
Organic marketing requires hours of time doing miserable, low value tasks every day.
Your Authority Book just requires following the process laid out in book on this page and that small amount of work will sustain your marketing efforts for years.
And that's why this is different.

And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can scale your coaching/consulting business without stress and hustle...

And once you start using this The Authority Book Method...
Getting leads and salres isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.
It’s something that your Authority Book Funnel will take care of for you.
Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 30 days from today.
Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the The Authority Book Method.
That’s when you’ll start seeing your first sales calls booked into your diary on autopilot, already committed to your process and ready to buy.
That’s how easy this is. 
I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago… i’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.
I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to scale your coaching business…
I promise you this…
Anyone can get better leads and easy to close sales with the right model (more on this below)..
Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

I'm not special or particularly talented.

I have just figured out the right places to put my time and energy that get big results for small efforts.

and here's another reason
you too can do this

It took me 5 years to "figure this out"...
...and another 5 to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.
I already did all of the hard work for you.
I figured it all out.
Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.
You just need to download this book and most important of all - implement it!
That’s it…

Here’s The exact 4 Step System Revealed in the Authority Book Method For Coaches, Consultants, & experts to scale their business to 7-figures

  Step 1 - Write A Great Book - (Follow the Authority Book Method to quickly and easily publish a great book in 30 days or less. The best part is, you can speak the book out in your voice... so you don't even have to type a single word)

  Step 2 - Sell On Autopilot - (Instantly recover ad spend with your Authority Book Funnel, so you can spend more and flood your business with more qualified, engaged prospects than you could ever need)

  Step 3 - Book Calls Daily - (Find qualified prospects, already bought into your process, booking themselves into your diary on autopilot every day)

  Step 4 - Turn Book Customers Into High-Ticket Clients - (Use the Customer To Client model to transition book buyers into your high-ticket program for $3,000-$10,000)

Those are the 4 steps to scale your coaching, consulting, or expert business to 7-figures.
All of this is revealed in the [INSERT NUMBER OF PAGES] page The Authority Book Method in step-by-step detail.
Making it a counterintuitive approach to attract high-quality leads, and book easy-to-close sales calls on autopilot for the person that seeks freedom, financial abundance, and a low-stress business.
And that's not all, becuase...

here's what else you're going to discover in the Authority Book Method

     How To turn $5 book customers into $3,000-$10,000 high-ticket clients  (so you can scale your business to 7-figures per year)

All Explained On Page 68

     How Doing social media posts, reels, tiktoks Prevents You From growing your business  (and What to do instead)

All Explained On Page 70

The little known trick to record all your book content in 2-3 hours  (and how to use it to publish a great book in less than 30 days

All Explained On Page 49

The Secret behind a successful book launch  (so you can start profiting just a couple of weeks)

All Explained On Page 61

  The 7-figure marketing ecosystem  (leverage your book to get hundreds of leads & book sales calls on autopilot)

All Explained On Page 70

the big players are hoovering up marketshare  (how to compete with them on a fraction of the budget)

All Explained On Page 8

  The 3 non-fiction book structures & which is right for you  (so you can produce a great book)

All Explained On Page 31

Use Tim Ferriss trick to market test your book before launch  (so you know with confidence it is going to sell)

All Explained On Page 47

how covid reinvented the economics of online business  (and how to profit in the new economy)

All Explained On Page 6

use Google's 7-11-4 rule to sign high-ticket clients  (get paid $3,000 - $10,000 per client)

All Explained On Page 9

  why you shouldn't focus on selling your book on amazon  (and what to do instead)

All Explained On Page 79

  The step-by-step process to overcome the 3 challenges that stop people releasing their book  (so you launch & profit aSAP)

All Explained On Page 21

  The Infinite money glitch that lets you scale paid traffic  (so you can generate 100's of leads every month for zero cost)

All Explained On Page 73

  The rule of 3  (how to write in a fast-paced, engaging way people love to read)

All Explained On Page 43

revealed: exactly what to write about in your authority book  (so you don't get stuck with 'writer's block')

All Explained On Page 17

  use these chatGPT prompts to brainstorm title ideas fast  (Don't get stuck when you can leverage the world's collective brain)

All Explained On Page 35

  7 ways to leverage your authority book  (how to use the ultimate sales asset to grow your business)

All Explained On Page 75

  Step-by-step guide how to package your methodology  (so your book customers want to become high-ticket clients)

All Explained On Page 37

  use this structure to produce a great book in under 30 days  (so you can scale your business fast)

All Explained On Page 25

We’ll also show you how to use your Authority Book to scale your business to 7-figures a year!
If rapidly growing your business using a book is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

Plus I'm Going To Give You The 7-Figure Marketing Ecosystem

This exclusive training shows you how to leverage your Authority Book into a 7-figure marketing ecosystem...

You will know exactly how to systemise all of your marketing so you have a consistent flood of leads, booked calls, and sales coming through day after day.

And Before You Download The Authority Book Method…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…
And you’re probably wondering:
“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…
So there has to be a “catch”…
And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn't one of them. 
There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.
I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $4.95, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come. But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...
I was planning on selling this book for $47, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.
Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.
But then I realised hey - this is an eBook it doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it...

By lowering the price to $4.95 it allows me to impact more people and help them grow their coaching business

I consider that at true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expense to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. 

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting The IG Ads Masterclass

The IG Ads Masterclass will show you how to run simple to set up, low cost ads on Instagram, to sell your Authority Book to new customers.
And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.
Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $672.95
Oh. And in case you're wondering ...
Of course there's a money-back guarantee.
In fact, I think it's ...

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee 

In The World

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
In The World

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

This Offer Expires on
Jan 9, 2024

 so Here’s How To Order Today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.

Price: $5.60
(Save $31.40 today) Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available.

Included In Your Order:

Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

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Download The eBook For $37.95 Just $4.95! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Download

I’ll talk to you in our private Skool Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you download your copy of the The Authority Book Method.
Until then, to your success, Phil Hawksworth

P.S. Remember, the The Authority Book Method comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.
Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 
And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $4.95.

Here's What's Included In The Book

  How To turn $5 book customers into $3,000-$10,000 high-ticket clients (so you can scale your business to 7-figures per year)

All Explained On Page 68

  How Doing social media posts, reels, tiktoks Prevents You From growing your business (and What to do instead)

All Explained On Page 70

  The little known trick to record all your book content in 2-3 hours (and how to use it to publish a great book in less than 30 days

All Explained On Page 49

  The Secret behind a successful book launch (so you can start profiting just a couple of weeks)

All Explained On Page 61

  The step-by-step process to have AI edit your book in 1 day (so you can shortcut your results & launch fast)

All Explained On Page 56

  The 7-figure marketing ecosystem (leverage your book to get hundreds of leads & book sales calls on autopilot)

All Explained On Page 70

  How the big players are hoovering up marketshare (And how to compete with them on a fraction of the budget)

All Explained On Page 8

  The 3 non-fiction book structure & which is right for you (so you can produce a great book)

All Explained On Page 31

  Use Tim Ferriss trick to market test your book before launch (so you know with confidence it is going to sell)

All Explained On Page 47

 how covid reinvented the economics of online business (and how to profit in the new economy)

All Explained On Page 6

 use Google's 7-11-4 rule to sign high-ticket clients (get paid $3,000 - $10,000 per client)

All Explained On Page 9

why you shouldn't focus on selling your book on amazon (and what to do instead)

All Explained On Page 79

  The step-by-step process to overcome the 3 challenges that stop people releasing their book (so you launch & profit aSAP)

All Explained On Page 21

  The Infinite money glitch that lets you scale paid traffic (so you can generate 100's of leads every month for zero cose)

All Explained On Page 73

  The rule of 3 (how to write in a fast-paced, engaging way people love to read)

All Explained On Page 43

  use this trick to book sales call on autopilot every single day (so you can scale your business fast)

All Explained On Page 72

  revealed: exactly what to write about in your authority book (so you don't get stuck with 'writer's block')

All Explained On Page 17

  use these chatGPT prompts to brainstorm title ideas fast (Don't get stuck when you can leverage the world's collective brain)

All Explained On Page 35

  7 ways to leverage your authority book (how to use the ultimate sales asset to grow your business)

All Explained On Page 75

  Step-by-step guide how to package your methodology (so your book customers want to become high-ticket clients)

All Explained On Page 37

  use this structure to produce a great book in under 30 days (so you can scale your business fast)

All Explained On Page 25

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Included Bonuses

The Authority Book Fast Start Checklist

Waste no time! Write & publish your book in under 30 days and start scaling your business right away.

Follow the simple steps in the Fast Start Checklist and scale your business now.

"Write A Great Book" Masterclass

Only a GREAT book positions you as an authority & market leader. ChatGPT written slop will scare clients away, not attract them to work with you.

I lay out exactly how to write a GREAT book, even if you're not a good writer.

7-Figure Marketing Ecosystem Training

Discover how to use the Customers To Clients Model to build a scalable marketing ecosystem that can take you to $100,000 per month or more.

IG Ads Masterclass

Learn how to run simple ads on Instagram to sell your Authority Book on autopilot, every single day.

Private Community & Personal Support

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4 Steps To Scale Your Coaching Business

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The Authority Book Method

Discover how to write a great book in under 30 days, attract better leads, close sales easily, and scale your business with The Authority Book Method.

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The Authority Book Fast Start Checklist

Waste no time! Write & publish your book in under 30 days and start scaling your business right away.

Follow the simple steps in the Fast Start Checklist and scale your business now.

Included With Your Order

"Write A Great Book" Masterclass

Only a GREAT book positions you as an authority & market leader. ChatGPT written slop will scare clients away, not attract them to work with you.

I lay out exactly how to write a GREAT book, even if you're not a good writer.

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7-Figure Marketing Ecosystem Training

Discover how to use the Customers To Clients Model to build a scalable marketing ecosystem that can take you to $100,000 per month or more.

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7 ways to leverage your authority book to grow your business

In the Authority Book Method you're not just going to learn how to scale your business with the Customer To Client Model, I will also share some successful strategies I've used to

Get publicity in the media from my authority book

get speaking engagement & podcast interviews

Sell physical copies of my authority book

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The Authority Book Method

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Discover how to write a great book in under 30 days, attract better leads, close sales easily, and scale your business with The Authority Book Method.

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The Authority Book Fast Start Checklist ($47 Value)

Waste no time! Write & publish your book in under 30 days and start scaling your business right away.

Follow the simple steps in the Fast Start Checklist and scale your business now.

Bonus #2

"Write A Great Book" Masterclass ($297 Value)

Only a GREAT book positions you as an authority & market leader. ChatGPT written slop will scare clients away, not attract them to work with you.

I lay out exactly how to write a GREAT book, even if you're not a good writer.

Bonus #3

7-Figure Marketing Ecosystem Training ($197 Value)

Discover how to use the Customers To Clients Model to build a scalable marketing ecosystem that can take you to $100,000 per month or more.

Bonus #4

IG Ads Masterclass ($47 Value)

Learn how to run simple ads on Instagram to sell your Authority Book on autopilot, every single day.

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